Journals 2011 - Visions Interwoven with Daily Life
After years of being directed to work in my journals daily exclusively in my own hand made journals I decided to commit myself to this endeavor. All other creative projects were set aside and every day I wrote or painted in my journals.
Journals 2011 #1, #2, #3, #4
Hand made journals: parchment paper, museum board, book binding thread, ribbon, stones, watercolors.
Artwork: watercolors, gouache, ink, pencil on parchment.
Journals: 9 1/4" x 12 1/4" x 1 1/2" to 2"
1140,960Not For Sale -
Journal 2011 #3
Journal 2011 #3
Hand made journal: parchment paper, museum board, book binding thread, ribbon, stone beads. watercolors
9 1/4" x 12 1/4" x 1 1/2"
1309,960Not For Sale -
Journal 2011 #3: Top ViewJournal 2011 #3
Hand made journal: parchment paper, museum board, book binding thread, ribbon, stone beads
9 1/4" x 12 1/4" x 1 1/2"
783,960Not For Sale -
Walk with Pink Rose Winter
Pink Rose, my creative spirit guide, is an American Indian who transforms himself into many guises most often as a pink mist the height of a man spouting a waterfall of gold dust. As I walked he briefly appeared with his arc of gold dust cascading over me, coating my face, permeating my cells.
Watercolor, gouache, ink, pencil on parchment
9" x 12"
783,960Not For Sale -
Pink Rose-Creative Spirit Guide
Pink Rose in studio as a pink mist with a waterfall of gold light and gold dust that changed to liquid gold as it reached the floor. After a time the entire studio floor was covered with liquid gold about 1" thick.
Watercolor, gouache, pencil, on parchment
9" x 12"
769,960Not For Sale -
Walk with Pink Rose Summer
Watercolor, gouache, pencil on parchment
9" x 12"
1217,960Not For Sale -
Pink Rose and Amethyst Mist
Amethyst Mist stood at the foot of my bed and covered it with amethysts. Pink Rose scattered long stemmed pale pink roses then sprayed the entire room with gold dust leaving a thick gold film over everything including me and my journal.
Watercolor, gouache, pencil, ink on parchment
9" x 12"
722,960Not For Sale -
Amethyst Mist and Star Man
Spirit guides Amethyst Mist and Blue Atmosphere Star Man
Watercolor, gouache, ink, pencil, on parchment
9" x 12"
1234,960Not For Sale -
Lazer Beams/Pink Mist & Others
Spirit Guides Lazer Beams/Pink Mist, Diamond Light, and Flaming Red Mist
Watercolor, gouache, ink, pencil on parchment
12" x 9"
1225,960Not For Sale -
Huge Figure of Light & Flaming Arc
Huge Figure of Light directed an arc of flames to land on my journal page as I wrote and engulf the journal. Then he and the semi circle of Lazer Beam/Pink Mist, Blue Atmosphere Star Man, Flaming Red Mist, Diamond Light and Amethyst Mist began instructions.
Watercolors, pencil, and ink on parchment.
9" x 12"
1264,960Not For Sale -
On Walk with Spirit Guides
During my walk home a narrow stream of liquid platinum flowed where I walked as Amethyst Mist showered amethysts into my heart and left shoulder, Red Flaming Mist stood in the distance, and Lazer Beam Pink/Mist stood silently by. . feel something approaching.
Watercolor, gouache, pencil on parchment
9"x 12"
1222,960Not For Sale -
Bucho Surrounded by Golden Mist
Bucho was surrounded by a luminous golden mist expanding out 8' in all directions. As I radiated light energy he walked by me and some of the gold particle mist drifted through me.
Watercolor, goauche and pencil on parchment.
9" x 12"
1167,960Not For Sale -
Gold Mist in Studio
A faint mist of delicate gold particles hovered in front of my drawing wall. Part of the light mist separated itself from the main cloud like formation and hovered over my journal page as it lay open.
Watercolor, goauche, pencil, and ink on parchment
9" x 12"
1203,960Not For Sale -
Light Being in Center of Gold Mist in Studio
A column of light about 7' high appears within the mist of gold particles that extends 8' in diameter. The Light Figure stands near the drawing wall (creative energy) next to the cast iron stove (fire energy).
Watercolor, goauche, pencil, and ink on parchment.
9" x 12"
1175,960Not For Sale -
Letters #1 Emerge Out of Light Figure in Gold Mist
Letters float out of the column of light in the center of the gold mist. Each is clearly formed like 3-dimentional type set letters. The river of assorted letters flows into my heart and the overflow falls onto my journal page as I write. Letters continue to stream into my mind from the light figure. Some letters re-emerge and create a word in light on my forehead but these letters are from an ancient alphabet I do not know and form a word I do not understand. The letters are pure light and fill my mind with light and sacred knowledge.
Letters #1 - First in a series of 5
Watercolor, gouache, pencil, and ink on parchment.
12" x 9"
h column
1296,960Not For Sale -
Crystal Luminous Being
Crystal Luminous Being with a specific configuration of crystals around his head cylindrical in shape but bulging out in the middle. Brilliant white lazer beams of light shot out in all directions. The ones radiated at me were like shocks as they entered my body of an empowering and restorative nature that first caused heavy breathing as his energy penetrated and became absorbed. . .then calm.
Watercolor, gouache and ink on parchment.
9" x 12"
815,960Not For Sale -
Figure of Black Soot
A figure of billowing black soot appeared. Black soot with rotting matter shot out from its side into the nearby creek. The Figure of Soot experienced explosion after explosion like bombs in a war zone. Thunder bolts struck one after the other to form a circle on the ground around it. The Soot Figure burned itself out to a pile of ashes that blew away leaving behind the electrically charged barrier of lightning bolts which surrounded me then shrank into me where its protective power became a integral part of me. An ingredient was droppped into the creek to clear the waters. "You are to take this to mean that the darkest events that occur during this transition time are not meant to diminish you but rather to empower you by triggering reservoirs of past knowledge that furnish courage." At 10 PM that evening Pres. Obama announced Osama Bin Laden's death.
Watercolors, ink, and pencil on parchment
9" x 12" each journal page
1440,930Not For Sale -
Black Armor Figure
Flames engulf a suit of black armor which becomes red hot, cracks apart and falls in pieces to the ground. These words followed: "You are no longer a warrior on the defensive who needs armor for protection. You are a creative being whose role it is to be an open vessel for images and information to flow through you. What was appropriate for a role to guard sacred objects is not appropriate for a role to make sacred objects that span one level of existence to another and allow acccess therefore from the object on this level of existence to higher realms."
Watercolor, gouache, pencil and ink on parchment
9" x 12"
733,960Not For Sale -
Three Journals
Three journals were laid before me from the spiritual realm library. The first two would be made in the future. The third I had already made in another life and was old, dusty and much larger. When the book opened I saw the center of each page had been cut out creating a recess where a dry dead bird lay. The bird came alive and flew deep into the library. The bird returned dragging a dirty threadbare linen bag. He pecked through the fabric to uncover a large seed the size of a walnut. The seed flew into my mouth down to my stomach as shafts of light burst out of my eyes and hands. These words followed: "With this long dormant seed within you resources awaken from another life spent in preparation for this life. It signals the beginning of an essential information flow."
Watercolors, ink, and pencil on parchment.
9" x 12" each journal page
1440,883Not For Sale -
Sun for a Head & Body of Stars
A cylindrical stream about 18" in diameter of deep blue night sky containing many stars passed through the french doors into the studio where it formed a sphere. The sphere, densely brimming with stars, floated into my mind. The sphere was much larger than my head so it appeared as if the universe covered my head and shoulders. The star atmosphere now expanded to fill my entire body. Words followed: "In 2012 we will be in the 18th year of a 36 year cycle. This is the year all the preparations of this life and all past lives will begin to bear fruit. You are a child of the stars. You have come into your own." As the last bit of atmosphere soaked into my cells a sun replaced my face with rays shooting out. I now had a sun for a head and a body of stars.
Watercolors, ink, and pencil on parchment
9" x 12"
814,960Not For Sale -
Star Hand Figure Trailing Light
For several days delicate figure of star filled atmosphere trailing light worked on a large sheet of parchment paper on my drawing table. One morning at 5:30 AM he came to my bedside and said "Time to get up. Work to do." Too tired to respond I fell back to sleep. The next day light filled figure trailing light again held right hand up filled with stars. He placed his right star hand on my journal page as I wrote. He then turned around and impressed it on the sheet of parchment paper pinned to the wall ready for the first watercolor to be done outside my journals. This to underscore the importance of the transition of journal to unbound sheet.
Watercolor and pencil on parchment
9" x 12" each both journal pages
1440,890Not For Sale -
Flaming Star Hand Figure
Star Hand Figure as a flaming energy field beckoned me to wake up and to encourage me caused my bed to be covered in flames. In the studio my drafting table was also in flames. Star Hand Figure placed his star hand on the drafting table. When he lifted his hand the stars inside remained but now there were flames generated by it. Then he placed his flaming star hand on my journal page as I wrote followed by placing it on a single large sheet of parchment paper. A field of stars appeared on the paper framed in flames. Message clear: I was ready for the new series outside of my journals.
Watercolors, ink and pencil on parchment
9" x 12"
786,960Not For Sale -
Images Recorded Before Sleep
Upon putting my head to pillow a small cloud of yellow light filled with diamonds of light entered my nostrils as I breathed in and flowed up to my brain. I heard the words: "Your abilities grow and talents become enhanced. What you were once able to do has been multiplied. Believe in your greatest desires and dreams as an artist. The way you see things will be enhanced and your ability to translate them into form will escalate and multiply." A thin coat of gold dust fell on the left side of my face as I fell asleep. Remembered to take a small notebook and pencil to bed so I could record words exactly as heard in dark under covers putting finger on line of writing and moving it down page so I wouldn't write over what was already written.
Watercolors, gouache, ink and pencil on parchment
9" x 12"
750,960Not For Sale -
Cloud Raining DiamondsA small white cloud appeared 8' to 10' from the ground. It rained diamonds that fell on the grass and became absorbed into the earth. From the earth grew a large sheet of paper with diamonds embedded in its fibres.
Journal Page
Watercolors and pencil on parchment
9" x 12" each page
1440,959Not For Sale
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