  • Journal Portfolios 2012 - Visions Interwoven in Daily Life
    In 2012 the desire to share my work came to the forefront. In order to do this I needed to move out of the journals and make individual works on paper. After years of working in bound journals the prospect of painting on an unbound piece of paper was daunting so I decided to work ONLY on separate sheets by creating journal portfolios for loose sheets of paper. By mid year this practice allowed me to work on a series outside of the journal context which became the basis of the Golden Dragon series shown later in the year.


    Journal Portfolios of Loose Sheets of Paper: Parchment, museum board, ribbon, book-binding thread, watercolor & gouache on paper, bead.

    9 1/8" x 12 1/8" x 1 1/2"

    Not For Sale
  • Tree of Loving Kindness

    I had a dream about the flowering trees I just planted. There was an extra tree that had not been planted. When I woke the dream seemed so a part of my waking life I continued to consider where to plant it. As if in answer, I saw the tree grow out of my heart in full bloom. Then I heard: "It is the flowering of your heart that needs to expand out into the world through your love, kindness, and creative effforts. You need to plant the tree of loving kindness in your heart so it may take root and flourish."


    Watercolor and ink on paper

    9" x 12"

    Not For Sale
  • Cord of Light

    From my journal page a cord of light traveled far into the universe. These words followed: "See your art as a cord of light that acts as a portal to the spiritual realm".


    Watercolor, goauche, ink, and pencil of parchment

    9" x 12"

    Not For Sale
  • Light Energy Within Everything

    I saw the spiritual reality of the creative source's existence in me as golden light. It existed in each cell so my body looked like a universe of billions of stars alive and pulsating within me.  As I looked out I realized my eyes contained these same golden specs and as they looked into the landscape I saw everything had this same light filled energy.


    Watercolor, goauche, ink and pencil on parchment.

    9" x 12"

    Not For Sale
  • Golden Dragon & Golden Egg

    Golden Dragon Dancing Over Work Table with a Golden Egg.


    Watercolor, gouache, ink on parchment

    9" x 12"

    Not For Sale
  • Golden Dragon Outside Studio Window

    Golden Dragon dancing outside my studio window and generating golden mist over my work table.


    Watercolors, goauche, and ink on parchment.

    12" x 9"

    Not For Sale
  • Golden Dragon Shedding his Skin

    The Golden Dragon shed its skin.  The shedded skin floated through the air and settled on me becoming absorbed in me releasing the Golden Dragon's energy. He presented 2 images of me. The first I looked as I always look. In the second the air around me was crystal clear, I was vibrant, the cells in my body were comprised of golden light, and there was almost an electric current coursing through me so even my hair seemed charged with light energy. He said: "In December look back to see what you have accomplished this year, this year of the Golden Dragon pre-eminent in your life, this year of the Dragon" (in Chinese calendar).


    Watercolors, gouache, ink and pencil on parchment

    2 journal pages: 8 3/8" x 12" & 11" x 12"

    Not For Sale
  • Golden Dragon Heart in my Chest

    Golden Dragon breathing fire through me so I was consumed in flames that did not burn but created a massive golden dragon's heart to form in my chest. Golden Dragon excrement on my work table itself was engulfed in flames transforming it to pure gold illustrating the Alchemical formula of the spiritual transformation of the soul by changing base matter to gold.


    Watercolors, gouache, ink on parchment

    9: x 12"

    Not For Sale
  • Golden Dragon Swirling Through Me

    Golden Dragon Swirling around and through me so not clear where my being ended and his began. First time golden eggs appeared emitting sheets of paper saturated in light.


    Watercolor, gouache, ink and pencil on parchment.

    9" x 12"

    Not For Sale
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